How To Put A Line Above Text In Word For Mac

  1. How To Put A Line Above The Letter

How To Put A Line Above The Letter

Scenario You have some text in a Word document that you’d like to repeat later in that document. You don’t want to write it twice (or more), and you’d rather not copy/paste it from the other location as that means that you’ll have to remember to maintain it in both places if there are changes. If another author takes over the document, they may not know that they have to update this text in two or more places if there are changes, either. Of course, it would be nice if you could use a tool designed to deal with this sort of single sourcing (such as ), but you’re stuck with Word. Solution Bookmarks! You assign a bookmark to the text you want to re-use, then insert a cross-reference to the bookmark text.

Text editor for mac. UltraEdit stands out because of its multiple features, which are true aids to development. These utilities are complemented with an interface for APIs. It is well received amongst developers, and in 2006 Softpedia considered it as excellent. These features include many editing tools, such as automation via macros and scripts, configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, file type conversions, regular expression find and replace, column edit mode, and Unicode and hex editing mode.

Whenever you change the original text, you only need to update the fields in the document for the changes to apply to the second (or third) instance of that text. Working with text boxes in word 2013. Here’s how: • Select the block of text you want to repeat later in the document.

I think I was the first who asked about how to make a bar above a letter, and in particular, a bar above a capital. Free text editor for mac. – While the techniques I learned were perfect as long as I wrote in Word, in the same moment I posted my text (and it was transformed to html), both the bar and the letter totally disappeared.