Navigating Pages With Text Boxes In Word For Mac


Word comes with some useful layouts for viewing your documents in different situations. These layouts include a print-friendly layout, a webpage layout, and a new layout as of Word 2013 called “Read Mode” that’s aimed at viewing documents on modern devices such as tablets. The “Read Mode” adjusts the document according to the screen size. This applies not only to the text, but also to content such as images, videos, tables, etc. You page through your document in “Read Mode” horizontally, rather than vertically, for better viewing and reading on tablets. NOTE: The “Read Mode” is different than “read-only mode”.

The “read-only mode” is a protected mode for documents that prevents changes from being made to a document in any layout for security purposes. The “Read Mode” is for changing the layout of a document for better and easier viewing. To activate “Read Mode” for the current document, click the “View” tab.