How To Anchor Text Box In Word For Mac

Because of the way Word handles floating objects (which includes text boxes and graphics and other objects that aren't in line with text), the object must be on the same page as its anchor. If the editing of earlier parts of the document cause the paragraph containing the anchor to shift to a different page, then the object will also move to that page. Jan 20, 2012  Question: Q: how do i create a text anchor in pages? I want to create a large pages file and i want to set several anchors. Text tones for iphone 3gs. That means, i want to click on a special word in the table of contents and the cursor jumps down in the file to the selected chapter.

  1. How To Anchor Text Box In Word

Why is this so broken? I'm forced to edit a document prepared by my boss and he's put in a lot of pictures and set them to wrap 'square' 'both sides'. However there's one picture that just won't act sensibly. It has decided that it won't be moved below a certain line of text and that it will only wrap on one side leaving a huge area of whitespace on the left and above it.


This even carries on from the previous page. I even deleted it and re-imported another version of the picture (from a fresh file) and the damn thing is doing the same thing. This is why I use LaTeX. It might not do ugly wrapping round floats like Word but at least I know that it's not going to drive me insane with irritation every five minutes as floating images bounce around the document like fleas on crack. Text expander download.

I'd import the damn thing into Pages and use that if I thought that the resulting 'word' file would work when my boss put it back on his peecee. Is it just the mac version that pulls this shit or all versions of wurd? Why is this so broken? I'm forced to edit a document prepared by my boss and he's put in a lot of pictures and set them to wrap 'square' 'both sides'. However there's one picture that just won't act sensibly. It has decided that it won't be moved below a certain line of text and that it will only wrap on one side leaving a huge area of whitespace on the left and above it.

This even carries on from the previous page. I even deleted it and re-imported another version of the picture (from a fresh file) and the damn thing is doing the same thing. This is why I use LaTeX. It might not do ugly wrapping round floats like Word but at least I know that it's not going to drive me insane with irritation every five minutes as floating images bounce around the document like fleas on crack.

I'd import the damn thing into Pages and use that if I thought that the resulting 'word' file would work when my boss put it back on his peecee. Is it just the mac version that pulls this shit or all versions of wurd? Click to expand.And as far as this document is concerned it's going to mess up the wrapping in exactly the same way as it does with a picture.


These sort of stupid pointless irritations are why I hate using almost all microsoft products, regardless of platform. Even the mac version of excel, which has always seemed to me to be the least annoying and most useful bit of Office, is broken compared to the windows version. It's just not worth the aggravation, at least I know when something is going wrong with a LaTeX document it's probably my fault. Click to expand.Well, we've had this discussion before I just did a 10 page doc, Labelling Cables for Dummies, to be used by our suppliers when installing cables for us. I just used Word, some styles, and inserted about 20 pictures in-line. This worked fine, no problems. You have to keep it simple.

I wouldn't dare try wrapping text around them or anything like that, because I've had pictures disappear into the space between pages before now. Between pages? It's like having stuff delivered to No.

13 in a street where this *is* no No. About 30 years ago I read an SF short story based on this idea. Click to expand.You can attach it to the page rather than the paragrpah (sort of). Go to 'format picture', layout tab, then choose a wrapping style other than 'inline'. Now click on 'advanced' and under 'Picture position', uncheck the 'Move object with text' box. This should allow you fix the picture frame to the page. Well, nearly - it still wants to anchor the picture to some paragraph, and if that gets moved off the page, so does the picture.

How To Anchor Text Box In Word

Way to go, Microsoft! Create bent text in word for mac. I wasted hours on this one weekend 'cos my daughter's school insisted on work being done in Word. (I insist that she writes her own stuff, though I will lend a hand with formatting and sorting out 'why can't I get this picture to stay on this page' problems.) Maybe I can claim that it's cruel and unusual punishment and a violation of her human rights to be forced to use such badly designed software.